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은하수/염상근 2010.09.22 17:41 조회 수 : 13856

 " Black in the White House" 이라고 명칭이 붙은 첨부물

"올림픽 성화"를 click하는 순간부터 여러분들의 Computer Hard Disk

C 의 전부가 타버린답니다. 이첨부물이 들어오는데, 대개가 여러분들의

Email contact list애 있는사람중의 이름으로 들어온답니다. 절대로 누구한테서 왔구나...하고

의심하지 않고 열었다간 여러분들의 Computer는 행복끝, 불행의 시작으로 아시기 바랍니다.

절대로 열지마세요. 그냥 지우세요.

이제까지는 없었던 강한 Virus로 고치지도 못하는것이니까, "조심, 또 조심"하세요.





 URGENT!!! PLEASE CIRCULATE to your friends, family and contacts.

In the coming days, DO NOT open any message with an attachment called: Black in the White House, regardless of who sent it to you.  It is a virus that opens an Olympics torch that burns the whole hard disk C of your computer.  This virus comes from a known person who you have in your list.
Directions:  You should send this message to all of your contacts.  It is better to receive this e-mail 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.  If you receive a message called Black in the White House even if sent by a friend, do not open, and shut do! wn! your machine immediately.  It is the worst virus announced by CNN.  This  new virus has been discovered recently it has been classified by Microsoft as the virus most destructive ever.
This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee.  There is no repair yet for this kind of virus.  This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the hard disk, where vital information function is stored.

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